3D City Database
The 3D City Database is a free 3D geo database to store, represent, and manage virtual 3D city models. It is used by cities like Singapore, Berlin, Helsinki and many others.
The database schema implements the CityGML standard facilitating complex analysis tasks, far beyond visualization. It can be deployed on top of the relational database PostgreSQL with the GIS extension PostGIS installed.
Start the 3D City Database with a docker container by running this command:
docker run -dit --name citydb-container -p 5432:5432 \
-e "POSTGRES_USER=postgres" \
-e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changeit" \
-e "CITYDBNAME=citydb" \
-e "SRID=32632" \
-e "SRSNAME=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::32632" \
For a manual database setup checkout the documentation of the 3D City Database.
Loading Datasets
Import CityGML datasets into the database with the Importer/Exporter tool. Therefore, set up the connection in the database tab and load the generated CityGML datasets into the database using the import tab:
Geospatial Analytics
Perform geospatial analysis on multiple transformed OpenDRIVE datasets.
For example, list all priority road signs (roadSignal_type = '306')
sorted by distance to the POINT(678195.44 54 414.94)'::geometry)
across multiple OpenDRIVE datasets:
cog0.strval as identifier_sourceFileName,
cog1.strval as identifier_roadObjectId,
cog2.strval as identifier_roadObjectName,
cog3.strval as opendrive_roadSignal_type,
ST_Distance(city_furniture.lod2_implicit_ref_point, 'SRID=32632;POINT(678195.4482485768 5403954.957612606 414.94568122784835)'::geometry) as distance
INNER JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cog0 ON cog0.cityobject_id = city_furniture.id AND cog0.attrname = 'identifier_sourceFileName'
INNER JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cog1 ON cog1.cityobject_id = city_furniture.id AND cog1.attrname = 'identifier_roadObjectId'
INNER JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cog2 ON cog2.cityobject_id = city_furniture.id AND cog2.attrname = 'identifier_roadObjectName'
INNER JOIN cityobject_genericattrib cog3 ON cog3.cityobject_id = city_furniture.id AND cog3.attrname = 'opendrive_roadSignal_type'
WHERE cog3.strval = '306'
city_furniture.lod2_implicit_ref_point <#>
'SRID=32632;POINT(678195.4482485768 5403954.957612606 414.94568122784835)'::geometry
This is the answer of the 3D City Database:
Extracting Datasets
Using the Importer/Exporter tool, the 3D city model can be exported as CityGML and KML/COLLADA/glTF datasets:
- GitHub repository of the 3D City Database
- Documentation of the 3D City Database
- Yao, Zhihang; Nagel, Claus; Kunde, Felix; Hudra, György; Willkomm, Philipp; Donaubauer, Andreas; Adolphi, Thomas; Kolbe, Thomas H.: 3DCityDB - a 3D geodatabase solution for the management, analysis, and visualization of semantic 3D city models based on CityGML. Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards 3 (5), 2018, 1-26.